Racing GameSelection BoxesSneak PeekHints And TipsLetter From Our VetLiving World Website

At Living World we are very conscious of the problems that can arise, especially around Christmas time, due to children making impulse buys or being too busy to look after their pets properly. That’s why we have included a guide to help children choose the right pet in the Playstation 2 Living World Racing Game, soon to be available from computer game retail outlets nationwide.

This includes a brief profile on each type of small mammal, explaining important facts such as lifespan, suitability as pets for different age groups of children, etc. There is a list of what is needed before buying them, so they are prepared before arriving home with their new pet. We provide advice on how to choose a healthy pet and information on suitable diets for each species. So even before coming to your shop they can research  and decided what type of pet is best for them.

We provide much more detailed information on how to look after each pet on our Living World Website. So many problems can be avoided if children and their parents have the correct information readily accessible. Retailers can point parents and children towards this free resource to help them choose the most suitable pet for them and then provide it with all it needs for a healthy life.

Maeve Moorcroft MVB MRCVS
Signature Maeve Moorcroft

Veterinary Advisor – Rolf C. Hagen {UK} Ltd.